Saturday, February 2, 2008

Stuck In Mammoth

Hmmm... how to start this off. Well today was a bad day of sledding for Cody Rosenthal. The day started off pretty well, the sun was ok, everyone was stoked on getting out and getting some stuff done. So we head out to the zone where there were cliffs we wanted to hit. But there was pretty much no way to get there, it was either a crazy side hill or some huge wind drifts. Unfortunately for Cody he tried the wind drifts, and that didnt play out too well.  Needless to say his sled got away from him and found its way into some trees in a place where there is NO way to sled out.  We got it some how, it only took like 3 hours and bunch of different ideas. By that time the sun was gone and a storm had rolled in.

cody mean muggin the coyote 

I gave him half my sandwich 

After all that we ventured on to try find some stuff to film on.  We did, even though it as dumping snow and it was completely flat light.  Peter managed to grass a method over a cliff. it was a pretty good day despite having to carry Cody's sled up a hill. haha

peter riding out after stomping his trick

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isnt cody gorgeous????

His mom