Monday, February 4, 2008

Smog City

Smog is thicker then Snow... but what else can you expect in the "Rust Belt"


The crew rolled out... Lance Machado, Pat Lynch, Eric Fernandez, & Brendan Hayes. So the week started off with chasing snow, but we finally found it. So we're driving on the highway, at a solid clip when we hear a crazy sound on the roof of the car. As I look out the rear view mirror i see something flying off my car. I slam on the brakes and pull over. Lance & I hop out... the Thule box had flipped open and we lost a yoga mat Mark uses to stay dry on the snow. No big loss... we thought... Lance realized his extra board he brought was gone. I cant even imagine what maneuvering some poor sap behind us had to do to avoid a spiraling death knife in the form of a Capita Stairmaster.

Lance took off running down the highway, followed closely by Eric. I guess it got run over by 3 or 4 trucks, but they returned with the board and the yoga mat. Sketchy business...

Anyway... the janitor at the first spot indirectly informed us to come back after 6, so we went and checked out these handicap ramps...

Lance gettin some...

Evil eye.

After that balancing act, we hit up a fence ride in the same zone, but it was pretty sketchy.

Voyeur angle.

So on rail trips food is one of the most exciting things, and planning your next disgusting fast food stop is really exciting. We made the decision to hit up Arbys... thanks to the 4 roast beef sandwiches Brendan ate he almost puked at the next rail.

Brendan trying to grow a beard... should be ready in about a week.

Who needs tapes.

Shovel Face


Locdawgs showin us the ropes.

Facial hair is the new stripe

So we sessioned this kink rail that night... and it may have been one of the most bizarre sessions of all time. Around 11:00 we hear these insane screams and yells coming out of the darkness... getting closer and closer. Lance yells down to me "Dropping... before the zombies come and eat me!" And I'm not going to lie.. i was actually freaked out. Although it wasn't zombies it was about 20 spanish 10 year old boys. I asked Eric to throw a little spanish their way... and after a few "silencio por favors" the riding continued and the kids were stoked!

We called it a night around 12:30am... sorry for busting up curfews to our homies up there.

Thule box aka "Snowboard Launcher"

Lance... so the first day I met Lance he said about half a word for the first 5 hours... but by the end of this trip he had me laughing all day.

Lunch for Lance.

He spotted this cool cemetery drop...
Pat was stoked on his angle.

Lance gettin more.

Lance really wanted to take a polaroid of this.. but digi was the best thing we could come up with at the time.

We checked some more spots, handled some business,
Junior Varsity entrance.

...and ended up relaxing on a bench.

Pat & Eric on a smoke break.

Lance didn't get a break scheduled today.

Another great trip logged... we wrapped it up with some good old fashioned diner food...


Almost done with rails...

If you haven't checked out "Technicolour Wednesdays" on yet then get on it!

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