Sunday, March 29, 2009

June sesh...

California has been treating us well this year.... we've been a bit MIA in the internet world but we've been getting it done.

We'll be putting up tons of content very soon.

Here is a few snaps from a pipe shoot we had at June Mountain yesterday.... and by the way June is one of our favorite resorts hands down. Amazing park, perfect pipe, never crowded, powder stashes for days... get there.

Nothing better than Lake Tahoe

June with a view...

Adam was there getting the shot

Brendan Hayes air over me on the sled...

checking the shot...

In and Out makes a triple.

Brendan ordered it.

More to come soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dangerzone... spring sesh...

Tahoe Dangerzone homies getting it done right... the video is better on mute.

Dangerzone Fun In The Sun from Joshua Parker on Vimeo.